Pick and Place machines are used for high speed and high precision placement of a broad range of electronic components like capacitors, resistors, and integrated circuits on printed circuit boards. Our machines are designed for facilities needing quick setup, ease of operation, and high reliability in low to medium volume pick and place applications. For Pick and Place machines, we represent Essemtec AG (Switzerland).

Few essential features of these machines include:

  • Designed for even more product changes per day, an even more significant component spectrum, increasing demands on placement accuracy, speed, and availability, combined with high quality – naturally adaptive – mechanical engineering.
  • The highest number of feeders per square meter on the market, intelligent setup concepts, the largest possible PCB dimensions with compact system dimensions, and the Falcon software based on “EEZ technology” ensure highly efficient and economic SMD production for service providers and in-house production.


Robust, Flexible, Adaptive & Modular

The Puma – with its state of the art technology is expandable in any direction. Same as in nature, our Puma is common modular and adaptive in all kinds of environments. With different modules, the systems grow synchronously with the customer’s requirements for performance and processes. Puma is the world`s best high-speed Pick-and-Place solution which can also be used in ultra-flexible, rapid prototyping development.


Compact, Clever, Simple & Agile

The Fox Pack – with its state of the art technology is expandable in any direction. The Fox can drive up to 200 feeders, illustrating its dedication to high-mix production. Due to its small footprint and reasonable weight, the machine is ideal for limited space production areas, even those located on upper floors.


Manual and Semi Automatic SMD Assembly Systems